Throughout the years, Citrus College has earned a reputation as a leader in visual and performing arts education. We have created a legacy that will have a lasting impact on generations to come.
– Robert Slack, Dean of Visual and Performing Arts
The much-anticipated opening of the Citrus College Visual Arts Complex was celebrated with a dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony. The former 12,000 SF Arts Center building built in 1964 had become outdated and inadequate for today’s growing demand for skilled visual artists. Constructed within the same building footprint, the three-story, 37,000 SF replacement complex is a captivating attraction for all the visually oriented students of the Arts department.
Each level of the complex is dedicated to a specific form of art; 3-dimensional art and art history classes are on the ground level; digital arts and the new home for Citrus College’s student newspaper, Clarion, are on the second level; and the third floor houses traditional 2-dimensional art classes such as drawing and painting. A central gathering space that features a small amphitheater and a sculpture garden extends the creative and inspiring environment. Large graphic display areas on the building will be used to promote student work and announce campus happenings. The Measure G funded project will enhance Citrus College’s reputation as a leader in visual and performing arts education.