GROUNDBREAKING: SRJC Petaluma Student Life Complex
School officials and students gathered to celebrate the groundbreaking for Sonoma County’s Santa Rosa Junior College Petaluma Campus Student Life Project. Philip Newsom, President and Managing Principal of tBP/Architecture's Walnut Creek office, spoke at the groundbreaking event about the upcoming project
West Valley College Student Services Building Ribbon Cutting
A ribbon-cutting ceremony marked the official opening of the West Valley College Student Services Building. The two-story building brings together disparate student services into a new 38,000 SF building designed to be student-centered. Immediate orientation to the building is accomplished
Crafton Center Acheives LEED PLATINUM
Earning 80 out of 110 points on the LEED scorecard, the new Crafton Center building at Crafton Hills College is LEED PLATINUM Certified. The 50,000 gsf student services and administration building had an initial goal for LEED Silver distinction, but